Use Cases

Workbench has been used in various different workshops, classes, and environments to provide quick access to runnable app instances with access to real project data for further analysis

Use Cases






IASSIST 2016 Odum Workshop

Educational Support

Odum Institute workshop at IASSIST to provide hands-on experience integrating Dataverse with iRODS.

Dataverse, iRODS Cloudbrowser, iRODS iCAT PostgreSQL, TwoRavens

Workshop held on May 31, 2016, 27 registered/active users

NDSC6 Hack Day

Educational Support

NDS Docker tutorial

All Tools

Workshop held on October 19, 2016, 20 active users

Phenome 2017

Educational Support

TERRA-REF workshop demonstrating use of custom Jupyter/Rstudio environments to analyze data products.

Cloud9 Python environment for pyClowder, Docker, File Manager, Hyperspectral/NCO, Jupyter/NetCDF4, Jupyter/PlantCV, JupyterLab for pyClowder, RStudio Geospatial, RStudio Server

Workshop held on February 10, 2017, 53 registered users 23 active users

University of Washington iSchool Pilot

Educational Support

Application of Labs Workbench as sandbox for iSchool Data Curation curriculum allowing students to launch private instances of data management services such as DSpace, Dataverse, etc.

CKAN, Dataverse, FIDO, SQL Workbench, Oxygen, EIS Archiver, …

Spring 2017, INF598H - Advanced Data Curation


Data Analysis Tools

Serve as a resource to increase exposure and allow others to utilize EarthCube Building Blocks software/services.

CINERGI, SuAVE, GeoDeepDive, OntoSoft, GeoWS, …

EarthCube 2017 All Hands Meeting, June 7 - June 9 2017

PI4 Bootcamp

Data Analysis Tools

Used for two-week course on the use and analysis of large and complex data based on the TERRA-REF dataset.

Jupyter, NetCDF4, PlantCV, OpenRefine, RStudio

Ran May 26 - June 9, 2017, 30 students participating

2017 American Einstein Toolkit School + Workshop

Educational Support

Used initially for 2-day workshop and evolved into NDS pilot project supporting ongoing access

Jupyter/Einstein Toolkit

Ran August 3 - 4 2017, 30 participants. Pilot service used by 40+ users

ThinkChicago 2017

Educational Support

Three day hackathon exploring novel tools addressing city of chicago data centric challenges.

Cloud9, Jupyter, RStudio, PHP, MongoDB, Postgres, …

Ran August 2 - August 4, 2017, 200 participants

DataDrivenAg 2017

Educational Support

Two-day hackathon as part of workshop on big-data approaches to agricultural research in cooperation with TERRA-REF

Cloud9, Jupyter, RStudio, Globus Personal Connect, PostgresSQL Studio, and Xpra/OpenBox for desktop apps. Also includes fileserver with over 2TB of sample data, data made available via Geoserver WMS/WCS/WFS, and BETYdb PostGIS database.

February 26 - February 27, ~80 participants


Data Analysis Tools

Labs Workbench platform is being extended to replace current “Tool Launcher” service to enable broader container-based analysis of TERRA-REF data.

Jupyter, NetCDF4, PlantCV, OpenRefine, RStudio

Project concluded, Workbench still running and accessible

Cyber-Human Ecosystem for Engaged Security Education (CHEESE)

Educational Support

Workbench instance customized with educational cybersecurity lesson plans

Jupyter + custom apps based on lesson plan

Active 2019-2024, Workbench still running and accessible

Permafrost Discovery Gateway (PDG) Workbench

Data Analysis Tools

Platform enabling analysis of permafrost data made available by other parts of the platform using the toolset offered by the Workbench

All Tools

Active 2022-present, Workbench still running and accessible

Metabolomics Workbench

Data Analysis Tools

Platform enabling analysis of metabolomic data made available by other parts of the platform using the toolset offered by the Workbench

All Tools

Active 2021-present, Workbench still running and accessible

AMR Dashboard/Workbench

Data Analysis Tools

Platform enabling analysis of anti-microbial data made available by other parts of the platform using the toolset offered by the Workbench

Jupyter, RStudio, …
